The Supportive Housing Programs (SHP) provide reduced interest rate debt financing and subsidy funds to eligible nonprofit developers to create supportive housing for persons with special needs and persons who are homeless. Financing may be used to purchase, purchase and rehab, or construct facilities such as transitional housing, group homes, emergency shelters, and supported or independent apartments.
Tax-exempt, nonprofit 501(c)(3) housing development corporations with the financial, organizational and development capacity to successfully complete the proposed projects are eligible to apply.
In selecting projects, MaineHousing will consider such things as the need for the housing, the capacity of the development team, unit affordability, and related issues.
Monday-Friday 8:00-5:00
Homebuyer Programs
Rental Programs
Energy Assistance Programs
Home Repair Programs
Homeless Assistance Programs
Multifamily Developers
Mission Statement
The mission of MaineHousing is to assist Maine people in obtaining and maintaining quality affordable housing and services suitable to their housing needs.